Let’s Talk Speech
How Is My Child Doing?
Communication and speech is often a parent's concern. Share some time with Maureen, our SLP and Communication Specialist, to have your questions answered. Maureen will provide you helpful and practical knowledge that you need to determine whether or not your child could use some support towards their communication skills.
Consultations and Recommendations
If your child would benefit from Speech Therapy or Communication Enrichment, Maureen is available to support that journey in a number of ways. She has enjoyed extensive work throughout the Tucson Community for more than forty years and has a wealth of experience working with children and their families to advocate for, and secure the services children are entitled to within the school year. Communication enrichment can be life changing. Maureen is prepared to empower you to best help your child. You are the person who knows your child the best. It is you who has the most impact on your child. Partner with Maureen to discover how you can both provide and receive the services your child may require.
Pragmatic Language Development
The way we use language to communicate is crucial to our happiness and success. Social and Pragmatic language refers to both verbal and nonverbal skills, social interactions and social cognition. It includes all of our behaviors including our ability to understand and use facial expressions, eye contact and body language. Developing social communication skills is Maureen's Superpower! She embraces each opportunity to share activities towards developing social communication skills. Identifying and addressing social communication difficulties can lead to a significant boost in self-esteem. Maureen works with both individuals and large groups in this area. In addition, she is available to parents for consultation and home activities that can be done as a family.