Homeschool Support
Children and families are experiencing unanticipated stressors unlike any other time. Fall-out from the COVID-19 pandemic is yet to be completely identified. Society struggles to define the ‘new normal.’ Schools have faced circumstances and demands that continue to be unmanageable. It is an unsettling chaotic puzzle yet to be solved.
Integral Connections is available to partner with your family towards your specialized goals. We understand the current needs and the reasons why traditional school may not meet those needs. Our program represents the Whole Child as an individual. We see each child as caring, curious, creative, empathetic, and confident. This unique approach provides opportunities to attain long-term success in all areas of their life. Allowing us to provide you supplemental resources will enhance your child’s development. A Reading Experience With Saya will fuel your child’s interest and boost their confidence. A Social Communication Lesson with Maureen will help your child navigate dynamic interpersonal situations and develop social skills. A Mathematics Coaching session with Chris will (re)ignite your child’s passion for math and take the pressure off you. An academically focused Language Lesson with Miriam will take the guesswork out of your teaching and provide your child with foundational skills needed for grade-level success.
Let us partner with you.